Patrol Bureau
Traffic Safety Bureau
Investigations Bureau
Patrol Bureau

The Patrol Bureau is charged with the primary responsibility for all law enforcement activities within the community. The Patrol Bureau’s mission is to preserve the peace, protect life and property against the effects of criminal activity and to ensure the safety of the motoring public by enforcing all traffic laws.
Inside of the Ford Police Interceptor.

Emergency equipment in the rear of the Chevrolet Police Tahoe.

A.L.P.R, Automatic License Plate Readers mounted on the Ford Police Interceptor.
Traffic Safety Bureau
The Traffic Safety Bureau is dedicated to the safety of the residents of the Borough of Little Silver and the State of New Jersey through the professional and methodical investigation of motor vehicle crashes, the fair and impartial enforcement of the motor vehicle laws, enforcement of borough traffic ordinances, the inspection and oversight of highway work zones, and the education of the public

The goal of the Traffic Safety Bureau is to reduce motor vehicle collisions, fatalities and injuries while facilitating the expeditious and safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. In recognition of the fact that this can best be achieved by voluntary compliance with traffic regulations, the division’s mission is to educate the public by representing a deterrent to improper vehicle operation. The Traffic Safety Bureau deploys a speed trailer or speed boxes to predetermined locations within the borough. These portable devices are educational tools intended to focus driver attention and illustrate the difference between the driver’s actual speed and the posted speed limit.
The Traffic Safety Bureau is also responsible for conducting traffic related research concerning the volume and speed of vehicular traffic at identified locations within the borough. This research is necessary to formulate recommendations to traffic planners for improvements to the infrastructure and traffic control systems in the borough. Traffic Safety officers regularly attend meetings with Planning, Zoning and Department of Transportation to provide input on traffic concerns.

The Traffic Safety Bureau also oversees school crossing guards who are responsible for crossing school children at 11 assigned posts throughout the Borough
Investigations Bureau
The Investigation Bureau’s primary responsibility is to conduct follow-up investigations of all criminal matters. Detective’s assigned to this bureau, develop and maintain sources of intelligence information pertaining to criminal activity. Based on the information they gather, they also initiate investigations. They review all criminal activity reported within the Borough and correlate information as it may pertain to open investigations. They work closely with neighboring police agencies as well as county, state and federal law enforcement agencies. They also maintain fingerprint and photograph files and they prepare cases for prosecution

Left: Detectives recover $1 million worth of stolen property, click on photo for more.

The Investigations Bureau also provides for the security and control of seized, recovered, and evidentiary property, as well as abandoned or found property in the custody of the Police Department. This is critically important in supporting investigations; in helping to guarantee successful prosecution at criminal and civil trials; in facilitating the timely return of property to the rightful owners, and in establishing the department’s reputation as an honest, reputable agency worthy of the public’s confidence and trust.
Additionally, they perform other administrative tasks such as police applicant background checks and firearms application processing. Detectives work in plain clothes and utilize unmarked vehicles. If you have any information that can assist our Detective’s in an investigation or have information regarding criminal activity, contact Detective Sergeant Robert Chenoweth at (732) 747-5900. You can provide the information anonymously.